Τμήμα-Πανεπιστήμιο-Παιδεία => Διοίκηση τμήματος => Topic started by: NetBuster on November 09, 2006, 23:40:20 pm

Title: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: NetBuster on November 09, 2006, 23:40:20 pm
...γιατι την τεχνογνωσια πολλοι ελατρεψαν, την "τεχνοχρησια" ουδεις... ;)

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: Alexkasgr on November 09, 2006, 23:42:16 pm
Νέος στόχος για τη σεζόν 2006-2007...

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: anonymous-root on November 09, 2006, 23:45:00 pm

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: fugiFOX on November 09, 2006, 23:46:07 pm
αυτό ήθελα να γράψω!

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: apostolos1986 on November 09, 2006, 23:47:07 pm
εγώ λέω να ξεκινήσουμε από τα βασικά....

ας πούμε να μάθουμε να ξεχωρίζουμε τι είναι το φόρουμ και τι είναι η λίστα...και τις διαφορές τους...

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: fugiFOX on November 09, 2006, 23:50:24 pm
Ορισμοί του όρου Internet στον παγκόσμιο ιστό στα Αγγλικά:

    * An electronic network of computers that includes nearly every university, government, and research facility in the world. Also included are many commercial sites. It started with four interconnected computers in 1969 and was known as ARPAnet.

    * A network of computer networks which operates world-wide using a common set of communications protocols.

    * The vast collection of inter-connected networks across the world that all use the TCP/IP protocols.

    * An electronic network providing access to millions of resources worldwide. University Libraries provide access to many periodical indexes through the Internet. Internet access is available on all floors of the Libraries.

    * A global network connecting millions of computers.

    * An electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world.

    * the global network of regional and local computer networks.

    * A worldwide network of computer networks. It is an interconnection of large and small networks around the globe. The Internet began in 1962 as a resilient computer network for the US military and over time has grown into a global communication tool of more than 12,000 computer networks that share a common addressing scheme.

    * A collection of approximately 60,000 independent, inter-connected networks that use the TCP/IP protocols and that evolved from ARPANet of the late '60s and early '70s. The Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks providing reliable and redundant connectivity between disparate computers and systems by using common transport and data protocols.

    * international network of networks utilizing TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).

    * An interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the world via the TCP/IP protocol.

    * The Internet is a worldwide communications network originally developed by the US Department of Defense as a distributed system with no single point of failure. The Internet has seen an explosion in commercial use since the development of easy-to-use software for accessing the Internet.

    * A vast global computer network of networks connecting government, academic and business institutions.

    * The Internet is the largest Internet in the world. It is a three level hierarchy composed of backbone networks (eg ARPAnet, NSFNet, MILNET), mid-level networks, and stub networks. These include commercial (.com or .co), university (.ac or .edu) and other research networks (.org, .net) and military (.mil) networks and span many different physical networks around the world with various protocols including the Internet Protocol.

    * A worldwide network of computers that can be accessed via the campus computer network. The Internet allows local computer users to find and use databases on computers of other academic institutions, research institutes, private companies and government agencies.

    * Network of interconnected computers around the world

    * A global network connecting millions of computers. As of 1999, the Internet has more than 200 million users worldwide, and that number is growing rapidly. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions.

    * A worldwide network of computers that allows the "sharing" or "networking" of information at remote sites from other academic institutions, research institutes, private companies, government agencies, and individuals.

    * An internet is a group of networks connected together. The Internet (note the capital "I") refers to the global connection of networks around the world.

    * A global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. Unlike online services, which are centrally controlled, the Internet is decentralized by design. Each Internet computer, called a host, is independent. Its operators can choose which Internet services to use and which local services to make available to the global Internet community. Remarkably, this anarchy by design works exceedingly well.

    * Originally designed by the US Defense Department so that a communication signal could withstand a nuclear war and serve military institutions worldwide, the Internet was first known as the ARPAnet. The Internet is system of linked computer networks, international in scope, that facilitates data communication services such as remote login, file transfer, electronic mail and newsgroups. ...

    * The worldwide, interconnected system of computer networks.

    * The global computer network, composed of thousands of wide area networks (WANs) and Large Area Networks (LANs) that uses TCP/IP to provide world-wide communications to homes, schools, businesses and governments.

    * The Internet (capitalized) refers specifically to the DARPA Internet and the TCP/IP protocols it uses. The Internet is a collection of packet-switching networks and routers that uses the TCP/IP protocol suit and functions as a single, cooperative virtual network. A global web connecting more than one million computers. Visit URL for more information about the Internet.

    * a worldwide system of linked computer networks.

    * a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange

    * The Internet, or simply the Net, is the publicly available worldwide system of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by pa
cket switching using a standardized Internet Protocol (IP) and many other protocols. It is made up of thousands of smaller commercial, academic, domestic and government networks. It carries various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat and the interlinked web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web. ...

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: fugiFOX on November 09, 2006, 23:51:15 pm
Ορισμοί του όρου forum στον παγκόσμιο ιστό στα Αγγλικά:

    * a public meeting or assembly for open discussion

    * An online discussion group, where participants with common interests can exchange open messages.

    * An online discussion group or newsgroup (see USENET).

    * an assembly for discussing questions of foreign interests

    * An organization working to create and promote a set of open standard interface specifications that meet user requirements for service continuity based on high availability and enabled by high reliability, repairability, and redundancy.

    * Meeting or part of meeting set aside for an open discussion by recognized participants on subjects of public interests.

    * Main square or marketplace of a Roman town. In Roman towns in Greek lands, the Greek term agora is often used instead. The forum was often surrounded by the most important governmental institutions such as a curia building, temple to Jupiter Capitolium, basilica or other such structures.

    * The main public square at the centre of a Roman town, which acted as the main meeting place and shopping area.

    * the open space in the center of the city in which were located the main markets and public buildings.

    * A feature of online services and bulletin boards that allows subscribers to post messages for others to read, and to reply to messages posted by other users.

    * A forum is an online notice board where users can post questions or post answers or comments to those questions. Popular SEO forums include, Search Guild ,

    * an online community where visitors may read and post topics of common interest.

    * a large, open area, typically rectangular in shape and surrounded by public buildings, which served as the political, social, and commercial center of a Roman town. Large cities, such as Rome, often had more than one forum. (Dersin) Unless labelled as one of the Imperial Fora, "forum" normally means the old Republican forum at the foot of the Palatine and Capitoline Hills.

    * Archived discussion forums relative to any topic accessible via web browser.

    * an annual meeting of all college, institute and agency partners and stakeholders that is held to review the sector's performance, assess issues facing the sector, and develop future goals and objectives for the sector.

    * A forum in WebCT is a group. This group can be either closed (private) or open (public). Forums are often used for peer editing groups, for survey questions, or for group or class projects. Collaborative work may be done in a forum, sending and receiving messages and sharing work focused on a common topic. Students may even use the Whiteboard feature of WebCT, which allows a group of students to write and draw on the same documented in an asynchronous manner.

    * An area where members can post messages in the board, or where the posting takes place (eg Sommerland is a forum, as is Mirmos). Collectively, these forums make up the board.

    * A general discussion area for a free exchange of ideas, thoughts, and comments.

    * (or discussion forum) – A series of topics being discussed on a bulletin board system.

    * An on-line discussion group where people exchange ideas about a common interest. Also called a newsgroup.

    * A forum is an arena for communication and sense-making. Examples of forums are project meetings, email distribution lists and company newsletters.

    * A large open space surrounded by buildings in the centre of every Roman town. It was part marketplace, part law court, part religious district, part political arena, and was the place to go for the latest gossip. Each forum usually followed the same basic layout with 3 covered walkways for offices and shops making 3 sides of a square and the basilica or law court formed the fourth. Temples and shrines could stand within the square.

    * This is a section of a website or online service, wherein you can communicate with other forum members about a common subject.

    * A message area on CompuServe or Delhi, equivalent to an echo on Usenet.

    * Open, nonsimultaneous discussion on an online service or Web site. Operates like new groups on the Net.

    * This is the collaborative workspace used by those involved in developing and testing Net_Quality modules and support materials

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: fugiFOX on November 09, 2006, 23:52:04 pm
Ορισμοί του όρου mailing list στον παγκόσμιο ιστό στα Αγγλικά:

    * A discussion group that occurs via mass email distributions. Mailing lists are usually maintained by individuals utilizing list server software. List servers maintain a list of email addresses to be used for the mailing list. Subscribing and unsubscribing to the list is accomplished by sending a properly formatted email message to the list server. There are two types of mailing lists: moderated and unmoderated. ...

    * A list of prospective customers organized by defined factors such as location, income, or other consumer profile aspect.

    * A list of email addresses to which messages are sent. You can subscribe to a mailing lists typically by sending an email to the contact address with the following in the body of the message: the word subscribe, the name of the list, and your email address.

    * An e-mail system that includes multiple recipients as part of its address. See e-mail.

    * Online a mailing list is an automatically distributed email message on a particular topics going to certain individuals. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to a mailing list by sending a message via email. There are many good professional mailing lists, and you should find the ones that concern your business.

    * A list of e-mail addresses identified by a single name, such as When an e-mail message is sent to the mailing list name, it is automatically forwarded to all the addresses in the list.

    * A system that allows people to send e-mail to one address, which is then copied and sent to all of the other subscribers to the mail list. In this way, people who may be using different kinds of e-mail access can participate in discussions together.

    * A list of Email addresses grouped together under an alias. A message sent to the list goes to the entire group.

    * A group of recipients to whom users can refer by a common name (for example, a mailing list called Marketing). When users address a message to a mailing list, all members of the mailing list receive the message.

    * A set of e-mail addresses designated for receiving specific e-mail messages.

    * A facility on the Internet that links a group of people together with common interests. If you belong to a mailing list you can receive regular messages posted to that list via email. Modem A device that translates computer signals to analogue signals suitable for sending across phone lines. MP3 Digital computer format for transferring music files over the Web. MPEG This stands for: Moving Picture Experts Group – A common method for digitally encoding video files.

    * Similar to the newsgroups, but all the messages are sent to every user (In newsgroups, you can download the messages you choose.)

    * A group of email addresses to which news or topical information is delivered, usually on a scheduled basis. In a business context, it also can refer to an email list of clients or employees. Also see Listserv.

    * This is an automated system that allows a person to share/discuss information with other subscribers via a single email address. These mailing lists can be moderated by the owner.

    * A list of users that will receive copies of mail messages. Lists are usually divided by topic or work area. On the Internet, you can subscribe to mailing lists for topics that interest you.

    * functions that allow groups to participate in conferences. These conferences may or may not occur in real time. Conferees or invited guests can drop in or out of conferences or subconferences at will. The ability to trace the exchanges is provided. Functions include exchange of documents, conference management, recording facilities, and search and retrieval capabilities.

    * A collection of like-minded people connected via e-mail, usually to discuss or exchange information on one or more topics.

    * means a list of persons requesting notification and information on public hearings, permits and other NPDES forms.

    * An electronic list of e-mail addresses designated by a single name, to whom a common message may be sent when the message is "posted to the list".

    * A topic-oriented conference like a USENET newsgroup except that the messages are distributed by private e-mail. Typically, the Internet user would subscribe to a list by sending e-mail to the Listserv. Messages in the group arrive in the users' mailbox, and posts and follow-ups are sent to the Listserv to be forwarded on to other members of the group.

    * is a list of subscribers to a group, where all the subscribers receive their messages via email, and it may be used to distribute newsletters, product updates information, as a basis for discussions groups etc.

    * A mailing list is a list of people who subscribe to a periodic mailing distribution on a particular topic. On the Internet, mailing lists include each person's e-mail address rather than a postal address. Mailing lists have become a popular way for Internet users to keep up with topics they're interested in. Many software producers and other vendors are now using them as a way to keep in touch with customers

    * A discussion group whose messages are distributed by e-mail. See also LISTSERV, Majordomo, and Mailbase.

    * Electronic discussion groups that link a relatively small group of people together by common interests and that are distributed throughout the Internet via its global e-mail system.

    * List of participants who exchange electronic mail messages regularly, usually focused in a particular topic or concern.

    * a list of names and addresses to which advertising material is mailed

    * A mailing list is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients. The term is often extended to include the people subscribed to such a list, so the group of subscribers are referred to as "the mailing list", or simply "the list".

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: apostolos1986 on November 09, 2006, 23:52:56 pm
τα δύο τελευταία ποστ...θα τα στείλω αρμοδίως...εκεί που πρέπει... 8) 8)

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: fugiFOX on November 09, 2006, 23:53:47 pm
νομίζω πρέπει να ξεκιήσεις με το πρώτο.

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: fugiFOX on November 09, 2006, 23:55:21 pm

How Does the Internet Work?

    The Internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks, cooperating with each other to exchange data using a common software standard. Through telephone wires and satellite links, Internet users can share information in a variety of forms. The size, scope and design of the Internet allows users to:

        * connect easily through ordinary personal computers and local phone numbers;
        * exchange electronic mail (E-mail) with friends and colleagues with accounts on the Internet;
        * post information for others to access, and update it frequently;
        * access multimedia information that includes sound, photographic images and even video; and
        * access diverse perspectives from around the world.

    An additional attribute of the Internet is that it lacks a central authority—in other words, there is no "Internet, Inc." that controls the Internet. Beyond the various governing boards that work to establish policies and standards, the Internet is bound by few rules and answers to no single organization.

    In February 1996, President Clinton signed into law the Communications Decency Act, which provides criminal penalties for those who post or transmit "indecent" material via the Internet. This law, however, has been challenged in U.S. courts by those who feel it would unfairly prohibit many legitimate uses of the Internet, and was ruled unconstitutional in July 1996. The federal government, however, is preparing an appeal. For the latest status of the CDA, go to or

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: Νessa on November 10, 2006, 11:26:18 am ;D

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: Megawatt on April 03, 2007, 17:34:39 pm
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Viacom International Inc.

(οφφ τοπικ: NESSA Guest? Από πότε? :o Γιατί διαγράφηκε από το φόρουμ?? :o  Τί προηγήθηκε?? :o Ξερει κανείς εκ της ομάδας Δ. ? )

Title: Re: Μαθε δασκαλε μου (ψηφιακα) γραμματα !!
Post by: fugiFOX on April 04, 2007, 01:41:25 am
διαγραφηκε για τους δικούς της λόγους.
Η ΟΔ δεν γνωρίζει περισσότερα