Ηλεκτρονικοί Υπολογιστές και Τεχνικά Θέματα => Ηλεκτρολογικές... απορίες => Topic started by: pentium4 on March 08, 2011, 20:00:37 pm

Title: Hλεκτρικές/ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές και νερό
Post by: pentium4 on March 08, 2011, 20:00:37 pm
μπορεί κάποιος να εξηγήσει τι ακριβώς γίνεται όταν πέφτει νερό πάνω τους και το λογο που αχρηστευονται;

Title: Re: Hλεκτρικές/ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές και νερό
Post by: arashi on March 08, 2011, 20:13:21 pm
μιλαμε για ηλεκτρικες η ηλεκτρονικες συσκευες? νομιζω εχει διαφορα γενικα...

Title: Re: Hλεκτρικές/ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές και νερό
Post by: arashi on March 08, 2011, 20:17:51 pm
non-deionized water will damage electronics. Water itself is not conductive, but the ions and impurities in the water are. When water is poured on a circuit board, it makes tons of connections to places that the electricity does not supposed to go, which also sometimes shorts out those delicate little chips because it's bypassing the resistors and making connections that just don't supposed to happen. When the water dries, those impurities are still on the board and are making connections between the circuits, causing all sorts of funky things to happen. That's why when you get a phone wet and you push a key, you usually get like 8 numbers from that one push. That's cause there're 8 connections going to and from that key.

Even if you poured de-ionized water on some electronics, I can bet that it'd ionize within a few minutes and ruin it.

Αυτα για ηλεκτρονικα

Στα απλα ηλεκτρικα συνηθως εχεις "απλο" βραχυκυκλωμα που τιναζει πηνια και πυκνωτες

Title: Re: Hλεκτρικές/ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές και νερό
Post by: pentium4 on March 08, 2011, 20:20:16 pm
α οκ ευχαριστώ πολύ :)