Χαλαρή συζήτηση - κουβεντούλα => Ανακάλυψα το site!!... => Topic started by: 4Dcube on June 03, 2007, 01:43:11 am

Title: Μούσια - γιατί έτσι μας αρέσει
Post by: 4Dcube on June 03, 2007, 01:43:11 am
Κοιτούσα πριν την εξής ιστοσελίδα:
Περιέχει τύπους που ασχολούνται σοβαρά με τα μούσια τους, με εντυπωσιακά αποτελέσματα.
Αυτό που μου άρεσε, ήταν που μερικοί περιέγραφαν τις αντιδράσεις των γύρω τους όταν εκείνοι μεγάλωναν το μούσι.

Εδώ  (μπορεί κανείς να βρει όλες τις ιστορίες.
Παραθέτω μερικές.
How have other people reacted to your beard? How do you feel about their reactions?

In the beginning, people asked me over and over again if I became a the supermarket, at the gym, in a bar, on the street, everywhere! And it was driving me nuts. Growing a beard is a good protest against the confiscation of facial hair: beards should be free! I also heard the meaningless "Gee. You have a beard" quite often. I usually replied with a simple, "Yes". What are they trying to tell me when saying that? Children seem to see me as a kind of fairytale figure and sometimes they grip the beard as if it were made out of candy. It's very direct, but I like it. Women do give much more compliments than men. They also ask more often if they may "touch" the beard and are astonished that it is so soft, and they can hardly stop petting it. Maybe men are less enthusiastic because they can grow one themselves -- the thing women can't do. Bearded men are walking manifests and that can be very confrontational to shaved men, who may have to follow the instructions of their wives or bosses. Shaved men sometimes respond in a mean way, saying nasty things about our beards. The following quote from Diogenes, the Greek philosopher with the long beard, will do: "Do you somehow blame nature, being born to this world as a man and not as a woman?" Recently, my beard gains more respect. Respect grows with the length of the beard. Lately a guy said, "That's fun, a beard like that. I heard it will become fashionable again to have one." Actually I don't care and I'd better not: if you don't become fashionable, you won't become outdated as well!

How have other people reacted to your beard? How do you feel about their reactions? Does your age affect how people react to your beard?
Most people are shocked that I have a beard, being this young. Considering that many young men cannot grow any type of a beard (especially a full beard) at this age, most people think it's quite unique and unusual. I am among the few guys in my school who have beards. Most of the people I know do not have beards, so my beard draws the eye. Most of the feedback I get on my beard is not positive or negative, but simple curiosity. People are very curious about how a man my age has a full beard.

Some people have told me that it's cool and manly. Some have said that it's ugly and even repulsive. The most common comment I get is that it makes me look older. That's good. Others have said that it makes me look wiser, that I look like a Greek philosopher. I love that one. Sometimes I am told that I look like a lumberjack, or a "man of nature". That spurs my imagination...

At school, new students have asked me, "What class are you teaching this year, sir?". They asked this even though I was wearing a school uniform! Some think there has to be a connection to religion, so I often get questions and comments relating to various religions. A guy at the gym asked about the beard and commented, "Man! you should had been born 150 years ago! Back then, all men shared your thoughts about facial hair." If only I had a time machine...

While on a cruise, I got, "Wow! Did our ship pick you up on a desert island?" More frequently I am asked simply, "Why?" Other questions I get include, "Why have a beard at that young age?" or "Wow! How did you manage to grow such a beard at your age?"

And there are the bad ones too: "What on your face?", "That's scary!" (What could be scary about a beard?), "That makes you look like an old man.", and the simple but stupid, "That's just ugly."

Different people respond differently to my beard, and that's only natural. But it matters not. A true man knows to hold his ground and remain a unique individual in his own way. Like it or not, my beard is here to stay. So you'd better get along with it!

How have other people reacted to your beard? How do you feel about their reactions?
My wife loves it. Other people have commented favorably, as well. If I were in England, I think most people would react negatively -- beards are unacceptable there! Basically, I couldn't give a damn about people's negative perceptions of beards, because I'm at the stage in my life where such things simply don't matter any more. My wife's opinion is more than enough for me.

As for the future, I don't know. If my chin and moustache growth improves, I might consider a Van Dyck, but that would mean I would have to irritate my cheeks with a blade every day or so.

I probably would consider going clean shaven again in a few years, because I like to change my image every now and again. It would be nice to look back at a load of photos when I'm an old man and see all the different styles I've gone through.

Πραγματικά εμψυχωτικό σάιτ! Αν και είναι αμερικάνοι σχεδόν όλοι, άρα διαφορετικό περιβάλλον από μας.

Έχουμε όμως κι εμείς τα "αμερικανάκια" μας που σνομπάρουν τα μούσια, χεχε :P

Title: Re: Μούσια - γιατί έτσι μας αρέσει
Post by: λήθη on June 03, 2007, 01:45:43 am
In the beginning, people asked me over and over again if I became a Muslim


Προφανως οι τυποι πρεπει να ειχαν τρελο μουσι..οχι απλα 1 εκατοστο..

Title: Re: Μούσια - γιατί έτσι μας αρέσει
Post by: 4Dcube on June 08, 2007, 03:14:58 am
Μεγάλωσε κι εσύ μούσι...αξίζει!

Title: Re: Μούσια - γιατί έτσι μας αρέσει
Post by: weliker on June 08, 2007, 10:18:28 am
θα προσπαθησω  :-\

Title: Re: Μούσια - γιατί έτσι μας αρέσει
Post by: amanas on June 08, 2007, 10:36:49 am
ενα καλοκαιρι τα ειχα κανει κοτσιδακια!!!! :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Μούσια - γιατί έτσι μας αρέσει
Post by: weliker on June 08, 2007, 10:38:59 am
gay  :D

Title: Re: Μούσια - γιατί έτσι μας αρέσει
Post by: Μάρω on June 14, 2011, 00:38:32 am
marco hietala ftw (  :D

Title: Re: Μούσια - γιατί έτσι μας αρέσει
Post by: SolidSNK on June 14, 2011, 00:43:58 am
Αυτό το site εμπιστευόμουν όταν είχα μεγαλύτερο μούσι... Εκεί είδα τη θεϊκή ατάκα:

"Be a man, grow a beard"

edit: α θαμμένο ήταν...

Title: Re: Μούσια - γιατί έτσι μας αρέσει
Post by: bjork on June 14, 2011, 00:49:58 am
μούσια ναι, αξυρισιά όχι